Our Why
As medical social workers, we learned there was a tremendous need for patients, families and healthcare providers, like you, to find therapists, like us, who actually understand what you are experiencing from a mental health standpoint AND knowledge of complex disease care in our healthcare system. We have the expertise in both of these areas and it has helped us gain their control back, restore their peace and transform their lives.
Your Why
The most important part of our work is you and we want to learn about you and what brought you to us. Here are some of the whys we have worked with:
For Patients..
I was just diagnosed with cancer and everyone kept telling me to be strong and brave and that I am a hero but I am just me. I wanted to talk to someone who wasn’t going to make me feel isolated and would give me space to explore how I really felt.
After my surgery, everything changed. I feel like I have lost part of myself and I want to feel whole again.
For Caregivers..
My mom is dying and I am angry with her. I want to understand why I am angry when I feel like I should be sad.
Watching my partner go through so much pain feels unbearable and I help with anything and everything they need but I feel like I need to talk to someone who understands what this is like from my perspective.
For Healthcare Workers & Medical Professionals..
I feel like I have lost the ability to empathizes with my patients and what they are going through. I want to learn why I feel like this and how to handle it.
I lost one of my patients today and I just keep replaying in my head what I could have done differently.
Your why can be for a lot of different reasons or just because you don’t feel like yourself. Whatever your why may be, it is important to us.
Our Commitment
We are committed to helping you get the care you deserve. We are inclusive therapists and believe you deserve therapy that is free from bias and judgement. We are committed to offering professional, HIPPA compliant virtual counseling and therapy.
“We are here to give you the care & support you deserve.”
Meet the Team
Jess Piper MSW, LSWAIC
Therapist & Founder
I grew up in a family that was heavily impacted by health issues and my experiences led me to pursue a career in medical social work. I modeled my social work practice after what I wished my family had during that difficult time. With the patient and families I work with, I am a compassionate witness and knowledgeable guide. What it is going to take to get through this, is already in you. I just get to help you find it.
I also hold a special place for healthcare workers. I have been in those trenches along side many of you and see how amazing and equally challenging the work you do is. Part of my practice is dedicated to serving you as well because you deserve the same quality care you give to your patients.